THE MEGA CAMPAIGN IS ABOUT engaging a wide network of civic organisations and movements, local communities, human rights defenders, journalists, trade unions and businesses who share our values in a two-years pan-European process of defining what should the Future of Europe look like. Together will all those who wish to join us in this endeavour, we will draw up our wish list of actions the EU institutions need to undertake, we will formulate claims to future candidates running for a term in the next European elections, we will more generally feed into the public space with proposals for more democracy, solidarity, equality, inclusiveness.
Tell us about positive stories of civil society
We want to give voice to the role of civil society all over Europe and shows why it is important to Make Europe Great for All. If you wanna share with us positive stories of solidarity, inclusiveness, and democracy, let us know your story!
Our starting point, the basis of the whole campaign, the Manifesto calls for:
A Europe that serves people and the planet!
A democracy that gives voice to all!
A wellspring of solidarity uniting European people!
You share the views expressed in the Manifesto? You conduct activities in line with the objectives of the MEGA campaign? Let us know! Join the community! We give visibility and promote civic initiatives not only through the campaign communication channels, but also by creating synergies with our network of activists on the ground, all across Europe. Share your experience. Learn from other existing initiatives. Join us in building Europe from the grassroots up!
– Your event will add MEGA value on the map;
– We can suggest European speakers to your event;
– We can support advocacy with EU institutional contacts, communication, outreach.
What used to be an exception a few years ago has now become a Europe-wide phenomenon. We are deeply concerned that all over the continent restrictive measures have been enforced against those who speak for minorities, who defend European values and fundamental rights, freedom of expression, association and assembly. You can be our eyes on the ground, let us know about breaches of fundamental rights so that we can organise in defence and act in a concerted manner.
– Send updates and alerts about your countries;
– Use the resources available on the Civic Space Watch and connect with other activists across Europe;
– Coordinate with us joint actions across Europe to protect civic space.
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